大同大學資訊工程學系暨研究所 — 專任教授
台灣數位鑑識發展協會 ( ACFD ) — 創會理事長 全球網際空間管理暨產業發展協會 ( AGCMID ) — 理事長 Professor I-Long Lin received a B.S. degree from Central Police University, Taiwan, in 1983 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tamkang University ( TKU ) , National Taiwan University of Science and Technology ( NTUST ) , Taiwan, in 1989 and 1998. From 1983 to 2011, he worked as a professor at Central Police University ( CPU ) Taiwan. Since 2012 to 2021, he was a professor at Yuanpei University of Medical Technology ( YUMT ) , Taiwan. Since 2021, he has been a professor at Tatung University ( TTU ) .
His research interests include Digital Evidence、Digital Investigation、Cyber Forensics、Cybersecurity, and Cyberspace Policy. ( [email protected] ) 演講議程
從傳統的反應性數位鑑識 ( RDF ) 提升至主動式數位鑑識機制 ( PDF )Topic 0. 傳統式反應性數位鑑識 ( RDF ) 之現況與發展 Topic 1. 主動式數位鑑識機制 ( PDF / P - DEFSOP ) 之新思維與新趨勢 Topic 2. 結合國際資安標準 ( ISO27035 / 27050 ) 提升數位證據的可信度與證據能力 Topic 3. 運用 MITRE ATT & CK對應主動式數位鑑識 ( PDF ) |