台灣數位鑑識發展協會 ACFD
核心目標: 台灣數位鑑識發展協會 ( ACFD ) 為致力於扮演台灣數位鑑識政策、市場、人才及應用的標準化、產業化、專業化與創新化之推手。結合產官學研各界的力量,推動數位鑑識、資通安全、雲端安全、個資安全等重要工作,謀求對於台灣資通訊安全領域有所助益。 協會任務: 舉辦有關數位鑑識之方法、標準、工具研發、實驗室建置、專業人才培訓認知推廣及發展趨勢之研討會與講習會。 推廣企業及機關團體有關數位鑑識之教育、研發與產業市場,以提昇其專業人才素質、產業能量及未來發展。 出版數位鑑識學術研究與實務應用之相關刊物及著譯叢書。 接受民間企業與政府機構委託,並協助其建立數位鑑識相關機制及人才培訓。 辦理對數位鑑識有卓越貢獻之表揚。 建立數位鑑識國內、外組織及機構合作交流平臺。 辦理機敏資料、個人資料保護及隱私權保障相關事宜。 辦理其他為達成本會宗旨之必要事項。 未來發展的方向: 一核心價值:型塑政府及民眾對數位鑑識的正確認知。 二個主軸:提升資安技術能量,健全數位鑑識防禦能量。 三大構面:市場及產業,法規及政策,人才及技術。 四大應用化:數位鑑識應用標準化,專業化,產業化,創新化。 五大目標:政策落實,法規健全,人才培育,產業紮根,應用創新。 Core Objective Association of Cyber Forensics Development ( ACFD ) committed to playing the role of the promote of the digital forensics policy, market, profession and standardization, commercialization, specialization of related applications, and innovation in Taiwan. By the cooperation of the strength of industry, government and academia, and research, ACFD engaged for promoting digital forensics, cyber security, cloud security, and personal data security etc. in order to assist the information and cyber security of the industry in Taiwan. Mission Hold seminars and workshops related to digital forensics approach, standard, tool development, laboratory construction, professional training, awareness promotion and trend. Promote the education, research and development and industrial market of digital forensics of enterprises and institutions to enhance the competency of professional, industrial and future development. Publish and translate the related publications of digital forensics researches and practical applications. Assist to establish digital forensics related mechanisms and talent training. Hold outstanding award of organization or organizational leadership which have outstanding contributions to digital forensics. Establish the digital forensics cooperation platform to communicate with domestic and international organizations. Conduct countermeasures to ensure sensitive- and/or personal- data protection, and privacy protection related proceedings. Handling other matters necessary to achieve the objective of the association. |