FIDO聯盟 ( FIDO Alliance )
FIDO聯盟 (FIDO Alliance) FIDO聯盟(Fast Identity Online,線上身分快速識別)成立於2012年,致力於結合公開金鑰(Public Key Cryptography)與生物特徵等技術,提供便利且安全的網路身份識別機制,並依此建立產業標準。 FIDO 聯盟全球逾 300 個會員,如 Google、Netflix、Microsoft、Meta、Apple、Intel、Qualcomm、Bank of America、MasterCard、VISA、LINE等全球知名企業/組織;政府會員則包括如美國 NIST、德國聯邦資安辦公室、英國內閣辦公室,以及我國的內政部與數位發展部等。此外,FIDO 也訂定一系列身分識別標準,以確保身分識別流程中的伺服器、終端裝置、通訊協定等面向的安全性。FIDO 目前有 UAF、FIDO2/U2F 等標準,以強認證-多因子驗證(MFA)的方式(包括藉由終端裝置上的生物特徵驗證來實現免密碼登入),強力且嚴密地保護帳號與個資的安全性。 FIDO 於全球擁有近千個認證產品(FIDO Certified Product),另 FDO(FIDO Device Onboard)為新推出之IoT規範。其中,FIDO2 已成為 W3C 與 ITU 之國際標準,並內建於主流作業系統與瀏覽器。 FIDO聯盟台灣分會(Taiwan Engagement Forum,FTF) FTF 由 FIDO 台灣唯一的董事成員(Board Member)- 神盾公司,於2021年主導成立,目前已有近30個企業/政府會員,為聯盟中積極導入 FIDO 標準與參與聯盟全球事務的地區工作組之一。著眼於台灣政府與企業積極擁抱 FIDO,聯盟 2023 Q1 會員大會與國際研討會首度移師台北辦理,迎來 COVID 疫後、國境開放後的第一批國際人士來台與會。 FIDO Alliance The FIDO Alliance is a multi-stakeholder, public-private, industry standards development organization comprised of more than 300 companies and government agencies from around the world dedicated to the creation of standards and certification programs for MFA and passwordless authentication, as well as remote identity verification and secure IoT onboarding. Our 40+ board members, including Google, Microsoft, Apple, Meta, VISA, Master Card, etc., demonstrate the strength of the FIDO Alliance’s leadership, as well as the diversity of its membership. Our members include leading firms in banking, payments, and fintech, as well as those in security, health care, and information technology. Today, FIDO standards are being used across cloud services, banking, payments, fintech, health care, government, enterprises, and e-commerce to deliver authentication that is both more secure and easier to use. Increasingly, these standards are being used to control the authentication of people to systems controlling IoT devices. The FIDO Alliance’s work to standardize the use of on-device biometric matching coupled with authentication certificates using public key cryptography has transformed the identity and authentication market, creating a standards-based alternative to legacy authentication tools such as central-match biometric systems, one-time passwords (OTPs), and traditional PKI. The increasing ubiquity of FIDO support in commercially available smartphones and other computing devices has created new options for consumer authentication that improve security, privacy, and usability. Taiwan Engagement Forumof FIDO Alliance (FTF) Led and formed by FIDO Taiwan only Board Member, Egis Technology, in 2021, FTF has nearly 30 Members in Taiwan, including enterprise and government members, with more than 70 FIDO certified products until April 2023. Taiwan Forum is one of the active FIDO Regional Working Groups of the Alliance. Focusing on FIDO is powerfully endorsed by Taiwan private and public sectors, FIDO 2023 Q1 Plenary Meeting and Taipei Seminar have had held in Taiwan in February 2023 which was the first ever border-reopen international event in Taiwan (right after COVID Pandemic) with more than 350 people participated from world-wide. 𝙒𝙚𝙗𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚: