《 說資安 》新聞網 CyberSecureNews
《說資安》新聞網的成立,來自於『信念』與『行動』 說 - 深入淺出的資安內容。 說 - 從事資安相關人員,日常工作的內容。 說 - 服務廠商,想對資安人員說的話。 我們希望透過《説資安》網站平台深入淺出的資安內容,提供從事資訊資安相關人員於日常工作所關心的資安議題,讓資訊安全不再是阻力而是助力。 歡迎大家來信交流互動,聯絡信箱: [email protected] The core of CyberSecureNews Media is from "faith" and "action". We provide the content about information security in simple terms. We hope to provide information security news that personnel are concerned about in their daily work and make information security a daily routine. Welcome everyone to communicate and interact with us. Contact email: [email protected] 𝙒𝙚𝙗𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚:www.cybersecurenews.com.tw